Recommended Books

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Requiring students to read certain books can enhance their educational experience. Please list any books (and a short description) that may be valuable to encourage or require students to read. Books are separated by genre.

Advice for Faculty

Books to Improve Researching

Books to Improve Teaching

Purpose of Life Type Books

  • Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson by Mitch Albom. This is a quick easy read about a man who returns to visit with a college professor for a few weeks before the professor dies. The professor talks about what it is like to die and gives advice to the young professional. The advice centers around the importance of love, family, and not getting caught up in the cares of the world (especially money). Provides an excellent contrast to the common thinking of business students that once they are rich they will be happy. It is a true story.
  • Chasing Daylight: How My Forthcoming Death Transformed My Life by Eugene O'Kelly. This is also a quick easy read. O'Kelly was the CEO of KPMG when he learned he would die in 3 or so months. He sat down and wrote a list of things he wanted to do, and writing this book was one of them. He pretty much concludes that much of his life was wasted at work. He, of course, dies in the end. It is a pretty good book about life, written by a dying accountant. This is a true story.